COFFIN: The Coffin Family
Ed By Louis Coffin and Publ by the Nantucket Historical Assoc.
This is the Coffin Family history and genealogy. Tristram Coffin was born in 1605 at Brixton, Devonshire, England, the son of Peter and Joanna Thember Coffin. He married Dionis Stevens, daughter Robert Stevens of Brixton. They had nine children, 1631- 1652. The family immigrated to America in 1642 and settled first at Haverhill. They moved to Newbury in 1648, then to Salisbury in 1654, and to Nantucket, Massachusetts, in 1680. Descendants lived in Massachusetts, New York, and elsewhere. Photos include the 1959 family reunion.
(579p., Illus, 1962)