GUILD: Genealogy and history of the Guild, Guile and Gile family 1887
By Charles Burleigh
This book presents the history and genealogy of the Guild, Guile and Gile family. We're shown eight generations of the descendants of John Guild, of Dedham, Massachusetts. And nine generations of the descendants of Samuel Guile of Haverhill, Mass. The name in America is first recorded where two brothers and (is supposed), a sister, arrived from Scotland about the year 1636. They were John, Samuel and Ann. The marriage of James Allen and Ann Guild was 1638. Samuel was admitted a freeman in 1642. John Guild was admitted to the church in Dedham July 17, 1640 and made a freeman in 1643. He was one of the original grantees of the town. About the time of their arrival it was a stormy time in the history of the colony. Leaders were chosen and replaced, certain doctrines and teachings were disruptive, leading some to their banishment, including Roger Williams. The Indians were becoming hostile, and war was about to break out. All inhabitants had to stay in constant readiness to repel an attack.
(381p., Illus, 1887)