Guilford Genealogy 1918
By Helen Morrill Guilford
This book presents the ancestry of the Guilford and allied families in America. It is an ancient and historic English name. The town of Guilford in Surrey is mentioned in the will of Alfred the Great. Kent adjoins Surrey; and when Shakespeare says "In Kent, my liege, the Guilfords are in arms" he indicates the power and influence of the family. William, John and Samuel Guilford came to New England between 1648 and 1650. Records show that William Guilford was the owner of a vessel, and they brought servants with them to America. During this time Cromwell's army was working destruction among the landholders of England, estates were being confiscated or excessively taxed. Many old and honorable families left England forever at that time. Among them were the Guilford or (Gulderford). The genealogy of these families is provided with charts to display clarity.
(68p. 1918)