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HOMER: Brief account of the family of Homer or de Homere of Ettingshall, Co. Stafford, Eng., & Boston, MA 1889

  • 1200

By B. H. Dixon

This brief account of the family of Homer or de Homere of Ettingshall, Co. Stafford, England, and of Boston, Massachusetts shows a couple branches of the Homers; Edward Homer ll married Anne Gibbins in July, 1658. Henry Homer, also of Ettingshall, Co married Elizabeth Kurton in May, 1661. There was a Captain Homer who emigrated to Boston, and returned to England, said he was son of Edward of Ettingshall. Captain John emigrated to Boston in 1690 and married Margery Stevens. Also seen are some allied family names, Sears and Pearce.

(27p., Index, 1889)