HOOK: James Hook and Virginia Eller; A family history and genealogy
By J. W. Hook
This book presents the family history and genealogy of James and Virginia Eller Hook, along with related names by marriage. The Hook name came from England and the Eller name from Germany. They were both far removed from being pure English or German as both had a mix of Scotch and Virginia descended from a French Huguenot exile who came to America late in the seventeenth century. James's father, emigrant Thomas Hook (spelled 'Hooke') came to Maryland from England in 1668. The Eller and Hook families were both active in the Revolutionary War. The Eller family a a whole was divided on the Civil War. Two of Virginia's brothers were veterans of the Union forces and three of her Eller uncles were in the Confederate Army.
(171p.,Illus, Index, 1925)