HUCKINS FAMILY: Robert Huckins of the Dover combination & some of his descendants 1916
By H. W. Hardon
Robert Huckins (b. 1620) came from England to New England prior to 1640, where his name is recorded with the settlement at Dover in October, 1640. In 1641 Dover, with the rest of New Hampshire was annexed to Massachusetts Bay Colony, and formed a part of the old country of Norfolk. It was reconstituted a separate province in 1679. Variants of the name Huckins include Huckings, Huggins, Hockins, the English Christian name derived. from Hughin or Hughon. The surname is common in Devonshire and Cornwall, and the early settlers in New Hampshire came primarily from that region. These are the descendants of Robert Huckins, including maps and indexes
(195p., Illus, Index, 1916)