MAITLAND: The Collected Papers of Frederick William Maitland, Downing Professor of the Laws of England, Volume 1
by H A L Fisher. 1911. 497p
The document delves into the complexities of maintaining civil covenants and the challenges associated with upholding the conventional theory of government. It discusses the evolution of political philosophy in England, focusing on the ideas put forth by prominent thinkers like Hobbes, Locke, and Harrington. The text explores the concept of popular consent in governance and the transition towards absolute power in certain theories, emphasizing the significance of understanding the contractual relationship between rulers and the ruled in shaping political obligations.
Furthermore, it highlights Locke's ethical viewpoints and the role of natural law in governance, shedding light on the importance of popular sovereignty and the consent of the governed in establishing legitimate authority. The document also touches on the notion of equality among individuals and the impact of Christianity on the perception of equality in society. It discusses the alliance between the idea of consent and the principle of equality, tracing its development from the Puritans to Locke's time, and its influence on the history of political thought and governance.