HAITI: N M Shaw Lessons in Haitian Creole with some Information Regarding the Republic of Haiti (Softcover)
by N M Shaw. 1921. 93p
The document provides insights into the history and culture of Haiti, offering a glimpse into the language and customs of the region. It includes phrases and vocabulary in Creole, along with grammar rules for constructing sentences. The history section outlines Haiti's tumultuous past, highlighting the revolution that led to the expulsion of the white race and the establishment of a new nation.
Additionally, details about the Gendarmerie d'Haiti, its organization, and the challenges faced during its inception are discussed. The document emphasizes the importance of understanding the country's history and culture for members of the organization serving in Haiti. It aims to facilitate their adaptation to the environment by providing essential knowledge about the island's background and the habits of its inhabitants.
Moreover, practical information such as measuring distances by time, the religious nature of the people, and the rapid spread of news in Haiti is shared. The document also includes a section on Creole phrases and vocabulary, aiding in communication and interaction with the locals. Overall, it serves as a guide for individuals looking to navigate and understand the unique cultural landscape of Haiti.