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RUSSIA: The Volga Germans Before World War I (Softcover)

RUSSIA: The Volga Germans Before World War I (Softcover)

  • 2000

by Deanne Crawford. 1972. 126p

The Volga Germans were invited by Czarina Catherine II of Russia in 1763 to settle in the lower Volga region with promises of land, religious freedom, and tax exemptions. The recruitment process involved deceitful tactics to increase emigration, leading to successful resettlement until strict bans were enforced in 1767. The establishment of the Tutel-Kanzlei played a crucial role in governing the Volga German colonies, providing stability and support. The colonies flourished, with approximately 195 villages by 1912 and a population of about 670,000 Germans by 1914. Challenges such as forced military conscription and Russification led to discontent, with some choosing to emigrate. The Volga Germans faced further hardships during and after World War I, dispersing throughout the Soviet Union.

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