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GUTHRIE: Dr. Samuel Guthrie Discoverer of Chloroform ...1947

  • 2000

By Jesse Randolph Pawling

This is the life of Dr. Samuel Guthrie, a physician and scientific invetigator, a man of unusual intelligence and varied interests, chemist and discoverer of Chloroform. He was born in Brimfield, Massachusetts, in 1782. The Guthrie family is of Scottish descent. His grandfather, James Guthrie was one of the three brothers that came to Boston when they left their home for America on account of seeking religious freedom. Young Dr. Samuel Guthrie got married at age twenty-two to Sybil Sexton, age sixteen. In 1811 they moved to Sherbourne, as he continued to extend his practice in Smyrna. Before vaccinations for smallpox was accepted, though introduced, Dr Guthrie tested it's efficacy. Being called to attend a case of smallpox, he vaccinated himself and his cousin Sarah Guthrie, who was a nurse to the patient. Neither contracted the disease. Read more on what science and life ventures this man was involved in.

(123p., Illus, 1947)

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