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BREWSTER: Descendants of Albert Porter Brewster (Softcover)

BREWSTER: Descendants of Albert Porter Brewster (Softcover)

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by Anna Emily Brewster Graham et al. 1938. 23p

Jonathan Brewster established a trading post in Connecticut in 1650, bypassing the need for a license and passing it on to his son Benjamin. The family histories detailed in the documents include information on marriages, children, and addresses of various descendants. Albert Porter Brewster's lineage is traced back to Elder William Brewster, a prominent figure in American history. Nathan Brewster, who moved to Kansas, operated a grocery store and later engaged in farming in Chautauqua County, showcasing the family's diverse pursuits and geographical spread.

Albert and Emily Brewster settled in Kendall County, Illinois, where they acquired land through homestead rights and purchases. The documents also shed light on the challenges faced by the family, such as droughts, grasshoppers, and economic hardships. Despite these adversities, the Brewster family persevered, trading eggs for postage stamps and witnessing the burning of corn as fuel during tough times. Their resilience and determination reflect a generation that overcame obstacles with steadfast character and unwavering spirit.

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