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CARTER: The Background of Mary Alice (Sharpe) Yalden Thompson and Alexander Beatty Sharpe Jr, Their Book, CARTER, Sharpe, and Allied Families 1940

CARTER: The Background of Mary Alice (Sharpe) Yalden Thompson and Alexander Beatty Sharpe Jr, Their Book, CARTER, Sharpe, and Allied Families 1940

  • 7500

By Elizabeth E. Boice Jones

The Carter, Sharpe, and allied families with a focus on Mary Alice (Sharpe) Yalden Thompson and Alexander Beatty Sharpe Jr. Mary Alice Sharpe married William Yalden-Thompson ; they had Judith Yalden-Thompson and Peter Yalden-Thompson and Alexander Beatty Sharpe ll.

(311p., Illus, Index, 1940)