TENNESSEE IN THE WAR 1861-1865. (Hardcover)
By Marcus J. Wright. 228p. (1908)
Lists of "Military organizations and officers from Tennessee in both the Confederate and Union Armies; General and Staff Officers of the Provisional Army of Tennessee, Appointed by Governor Isham G. Harris; General Officers, both Union and Confederate, with Staff Officers of the Latter, and Statement of any Previous Service or Rank in the United States Army; Quartermasters and Commissaries in the Confederate Army from Tennessee, other than those mentioned on the Staff; Officers of the Confederate States Navy appointed from Tennessee; Officers of the United States Navy from Tennessee; Members of the Confederate States Congress from Tennessee; Members of the United States Congress from Tennessee; Complete Rosters of Organizations of Federal Troops from Tennessee who served 1861-65; Campaigns Conducted, and Battles, Affairs and Skirmishes fought within the Limits of the State, with Date and Location."
"Composed of service records of Confederate and Federal generals, notes on other officers, numerical lists of Southern units, and an alphabetical roster of engagements." CWB