CUBA: List of the Papeles Procedentes de Cuba (Cuban Papers) in the Archives of the North Carolina Historical Commission (Softcover)
Works Project Administration, North Carolina Historical Records Survey
1942. 78p
The document discusses various historical topics, including free navigation of the Mississippi River, boundary disputes between Spain and the United States, Indian policies, and immigration issues. It highlights the efforts of the North Carolina Historical Records Survey to create guides and lists for manuscript collections in the U.S. Additionally, it references significant historical figures and events related to Spanish and American interactions during that period.
The Papeles Procedentes de Cuba are a collection of Spanish colonial records transferred from Havana to Seville in the 1880s, covering the last twenty-five years of the 18th century. They include documentation on the Province of Louisiana and other Spanish possessions in North America, detailing military, political, and trade issues, particularly concerning French privateers and Indian trade. The correspondence highlights the governance challenges faced by officials in Louisiana and Florida, as well as the strategic importance of maintaining Spanish territorial integrity against American expansion.