HALEY: Genealogical memoranda relating chiefly to the Haley, Piper, Neal and Ricker families of Maine and New Hampshire. 1900
By John W. Hayley
This is a genealogical account of four families relating chiefly to the Haley, Piper, Neal and Ricker families of Maine and New Hampshire. The Haleys are of western English origin in all probability. Andrew Haley of Kittery appears in records and deeds as 'Fisherman of Spruce Creek' in 1684. Andrew married Deborah Willson, whose father was a prominent citizen of Kittery. Piper: It is believed the Pipers of Great Britain and America are descended from Magnus Piper, of Neustadt, whose ancestors were from Lubeck, Germany. Nathaniel Piper, the founder of the family in America, was born in England about 1630 and settled in Ipswich, Mass by 1653. We see records on each family mentioned above.
(115p., Index, 1900)