HIGLEY: The Higleys and their Ancestry 1896
By Mary Coffin Johnson
This book delves into the Higley family and their ancestry, beginning with Captain John Higley, the first American ancestor. He was born in England in 1649 to Jonathan and Katherine Brewster Higley. The Brewster family is of ancient origin. His father died about 1644 at the age of forty. Afterward, as was custom, John apprenticed to a trade of manufacturing gloves at the age of fifteen. His master proved severe and overearing. The weekly tasks wee hard and heavy and John was overworked. Upon failing to perform a certain amount of work allotted him on Saturday night, he was promised a flogging Monday morning. His independent nature revolted at such treatment. The law on apprenticeship said that if one departs from his service before the expiration of his time he would go to court and returned to master with a severe punishment. He boarded a trading vessel that was set to sail for America. Alone and without money to pay for his passage he was sold for a term of service. His purchaser was John Drake. God's smiling providence had gone with the boy across the sea.
(748p., Illus, Index, 1896)