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JEFFERSON, PA: Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania, Including the Counties of Centre, Clearfield, Jefferson & Clarion

JEFFERSON, PA: Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania, Including the Counties of Centre, Clearfield, Jefferson & Clarion

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This publication is an extensive biographical record of four Central Pennsylvania counties: Centre, Clearfield, Jefferson, and Clarion. The original publication has been split into four volumes, one with volume covering each of the four counties individually. These volumes contains hundreds of biographies of prominent citizens and families from this region of PA, many accompanied by portraits of the sketch subjects. Originally published by J. H. Beers in 1898.


Jefferson County Surnames [Volume 3]:

Adams, Allgeier, Ament, Anderson, Anthony, Arnold, Baker, Barr, Baur, Beach, Beam, Bell, Bennis, Beyer, Bish, Black, Blose, Boner, Bonnett, Booher, Bowers, Bowser, Boyd, Ble, Brewer, Briel, Broadhead, Brooks, Brown, Brunbaugh, Buffington, Burns, Burrows, Bussert, Butler, Butterfield, Buzard, Caldwell, Campbell, Canning, Carrier, Cathers, Christ, Clark, Clawson, Clover, Cochran, Conklin, Conser, Conway, Couch, Cowan, Cox, Craig, Craven, Crawford, Croasman, Cummings, Cyphert, Davenport, Davis, Dean, Deemer, Degnan, Deible, Delarm, Dickey, Doak, Edelblute, Eiler, Elder, Elkin, Elliott, Erdice, Estes, Evans, Fairman, Ferguson, Ferman, Fiscus, Fitzsimons, Fugate, Fulton, Fye, Gahagen, Garrison, Gathers, Geist, Gibson, Gordon, Goss, Gourley, Grant, Green, Grube, Hall, Hamilton, Harvey, Hauck, Haven, Heckendorn, Hetrick, Hoch, Holden, Hoon, Hoover, Hopkins, Horm, Hughes, Hummel, Hurd, Hutchison, Irvin, Jacobs, Jenks, Johns, Johnson, Johnston, Jordan, Justice, Kelso, Kennedy, Keys, King, Kirker, Kline, Kramer, Kroh, Kuntz, Lamison, Lang, Lawson, Livingood, London, Long, Maize, Malone, Martz, Matson, McAninch, McClelland, McConnell, McCrackin, McCreight, McCune, McDonald, McDowell, McFadden, McGarey, McGee, McGregor, McKee, McKinstry, McKnight, McLain, McLaughlin, McMurray, McPherson, Means, Meeker, Miller, Millin, Milliron, Mitchell, Moore, Moorhead, Morris, Morrison, Mulhollan, Murdoch, Murphy, Murray, Muth, Neale, Neel, Neff, Newcome, Nichols, Niel, Noerr, Norris, North, Norton, Null, Oaks, O'Donnel, Orcutt, Orr, Palen, Palmer, Pantall, Parr, Passmore, Peace, Philippi, Pifer, Postlethwait, Potter, Radaker, Rankin, Rea, Reed, Reiter, Reitz, Reynolds, Rhoades, Rhoads, Richards, Rudolph, Rutter, Sandt, Schrecengost, Schuckers, Seeley, Shaffer, Shawkey, Sheesley, Shiry, Simpson, Smathers, Smeyers, Smeyres, Smith, Spencer, Sprague, Stahl, Stahlman, Startzel, Startzell, States, Stear, Steel, Steffy, Stephenson, Stewart, Stockdill, Stoke, Stoner, Strouse, Sutter, Swartz, Sykes, Teagarden, Thompson, Trimble, Vanleer, Van Woert, Wachob, Wagner, Walter, Wanner, Weaver, White, Whitehill, Wilkins, WIlliams, Wilson, Wise, Wolfe, Wonderling, Yoder, Yohe, Zeitler, Zimmerman, Zufall

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