PA - Pennsylvania: A History, Biographical, Volume 3
This is one of the Biographical volumes published as a supplement to the four-volume set, "Pennsylvania - A History". This volume provides biographical sketches of some of Pennsylvania's important citizens, mostly from the counties of Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Fayette, Greene, Lawrence, Mercer, Venango, Washington, and Westmoreland. Accompanying many of the sketches are portraits of the sketch subjects and illustrations of family crests. Originally published by George P. Donehoo in 1926. 435 pages with additional 119 portaits of sketch subjects and 2 illustrations of family crests.
Surnames Indexed:
Addenbrook, Adelman, Agnew, Aiken, Alexander, Allison, Alter, Altman, Altschuler, Ambrose, Ammon, Amy, Anderson, Andrews, Ankney, Armstrong, Arnold, Arthur, Aylesworth, Baer, Bair, Baker, Balas, Ball, Baltz, Barnett, Barnhart, Batchelor, Bauer, Bauman, Beacom, Beard, Beegle, Beglin, Bell, Berkimer, Berkman, Bickel, Bikoff, Bissell, Black, Blackwood, Blair, Blank, Bliss, Bloom, Bolotin, Bomberger, Boobs, Bortz, Boss, Bovard, Bradford, Bradshaw, Braham, Brandon, Briola, Brooks, Brown, Bruhn, Buchanan, Buffington, Burckhalter, Burkholder, Burrell, Burrows, Busse, Byrne, Cadwallader, Calvin, Campbell, Carbeau, Carr, Barson, Chamberlin, Chambers, Christianson, Christley, Clark, Clarke, Cleland, Clements, Clerc, Coates, Cobler, Cochran, Cole, Coleman, Coll, Collins, Connelly, Cook, Coombs, Cooper, Copeland, Cornelius, Cort, Coshey, Couch, Coulter, Cowden, Cox, Crago, Craig, Cratty, Crawford, Cray, Cripps, Crouse, Crumrine, Cubbison, Culp, Cunningham, Curry, de Castrique, Du Shane, Dahl, Dambach, Daquila, Darroch, Davidson, Davies, Davis, Dengler, Deniston, Denlinger, Denman, Denton, Dice, Dietterle, Dight, Dindinger, Ditz, Dixon, Dom, Donaldson, Doncaster, Donohoe, Doran, Douds, Douglas, Douthett, Downie, Doyno, Drelak, Driscoll, Drugmand, Drum, Dunlap, Earl, Echard, Edens, Edgar, Edminston, Edwards, Eisaman, Eisenberg, Eggers, Elder, Elliott, Emery, Emrich, Endean, Engle, Erskine, Evans, Ewing, Faber, Farah, Farr, Feldman, Fenton, Ferguson, Fieger, Fike, Finley, Fiscus, Fisher, Fletcher, Foltz, Fosselman, Frank, Frederick, Freed, Freeland, Frew, Fry, Fullerton, Gaither, Gallagher, Gano, Gelbach, Genkinger, Gerhardt, Gillender, Glassburn, Glover, Goerman, Gormley, Graham, Grandey, Green, Greenough, Gregg, Griffin, Grimmell, Guffey, Guie, Guiney, Guthrie, Hackney, Haimovitz, Haines, Hall, Halleran, Hamilton, Hancher, Haney, Haniak, Hanna, Hargrave, Harkins, Harman, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Hartman, Hartwell, Hartzell, Hawes, Hawthorne, Hazen, Heck, Helsel, Hemmerly, Hemphill, Henderson, Henninger, Henry, Herbert, Hernley, Heyl, Hibbs, Hice, Hitchman, Hockenberry, Hogan, Hogue, Holland, Hood, Hoopes, Hopwood, Horning, Hosford, Hover, Howe, Hoyt, Hudson, Hughes, Humes, Humphrey, Hunter, Imbrie, Irish, Irvin, Irwin, Jack, Jackson, Jamison, Jarrett, Jeffrey, Jennings, Johnson, Johnston, Junk, Karolcik, Keck, Keeports, Keister, Kelley, Kenah, Kennedy, Kerr, Kesselman, Ketterer, Kidd, Kilpatrick, King, Kirk, Klein, Kline, Klingelhofer, Kneedler, Knepper, Kocher, Kondratick, Kornman, Kramer, Kraus, Kristufek, Lambie, Larkin, Latta, Loehner, Leonard, Leyda, Liebermann, Littell, Litzinger, Lloyd, Loar, Lockhart, Long, Loucks, Lowe, Lucik, Ludwig, Luke, Lusk, Lynn, Lyon, MacDonald, MacKeage, MacKinney, McCandless, McCaslin, McClean, McClure, McCollough, McCombs, McConnell, McCormick, McCoy, McCreary, McCullough, McDaniel, McDowell, McFate, McFerron, McGeary, McGinnis, McGoun, McGowan, McGranahan, McGrath, McJunkin, McKee, McKenna, McKibbin, McKnight, McLane, McMarlin, McNees, McTighe, Macbeth, Main, March, Marks, Marshall, Martin, Mateer, Matthews, Maxwell, May, Megahan, Mehard, Mellinger, Mellon, Mellor, Mengel, Merriman, Messmore, Metzler, Mifflin, Miles, Milholland, Miller, Mitchell, Moffatt, Moltrup, Moore, Moorhead, Morden, Morehead, Morris, Morrison, Morton, Moulds, Mullin, Murphy, Murray, Muse, Myers, Negley, Nesbit, Nessle, Nevergold, Nicholas, Nixon, Norton, Null, Nye, O’Toole, Offutt, Oliver, Osburn, Pangburn, Patterson, Pattison, Patton, Pearson, Peck (Peak), Peffer, Peoples, Perrott, Peters, Petrassovich, Pfeifer, Phillips, Pietroszewicz, Pifer, Platt, Porch, Potter, Potts, Powell, Preston, Pritts, Purvis, Quay, Queer, Quinn, Ralston, Ramsey, Ray, Read, Reader, Rebeske, Redlich, Reed, Reeder, Reeves, Reiber, Reiley, Rentz, Repman, Rhodes, Rice, Richardson, Ritts, Robinson, Roelofs, Roessing, Ross, Rowland, Ruff, Ruse, Rusynyk, Ruth, Rutter, St. Clair, Sakraida, Sangston, Sarp, Say, Schleiter, Scholl, Schuck, Schulz, Scroggs, Scull, Seanor, Sechler, Semans, Shaffer, Sheppard, Sherrard, Sherrick, Shield, Shoaf, Shotts, Showalter, Sifford, Simons, Simpson, Sipe, Sloan, Smiley, Smith, Snead, Snively (Schnebele), Snyder, Soisson, Sorber, Soroka, Sowash, Spaide, Spang, Sphar, Spindler, Spratt, Steeves, Stein, Steinmann, Sterling, Stern, Stevens, Stevenson, Stewart, Stiefel, Stitzinger, Stone, Stoner, Stoops, Stott, Stover, Sturgis, Swan, Swaney, Swearingen (Van Swearingen), Sweeny, Swick, Szafranski, Tallon, Taylor, Teichman, Thaw, Thompson, Tidick, Tinstman, Townsend, Treser, Tritschler, Trout, Troutman, Truxal, Turney, Tyler, Utts, Van Ness, Vance, Varga, Vogeley, Wagner, Waldron, Walker, Walkinshaw, Wallace, Walley, Wappat, Waters, Watkins, Waxenfelter, Weaver, Weingartner, Weinschenk, West, White, Whitehead, Whitehill, Whiteman, Williams, Wilson, Wimer, Wise, Withers, Wolford, Wolverton, Woner, Worrall, Wright, Yost, Young, Younkins, Youtes, Zeigler, Ziegler, Zorb