PA - Pennsylvania: A History, Biographical, Volume 7
This is one of the Biographical volumes published as a supplement to the four-volume set, "Pennsylvania - A History". This volume provides biographical sketches of some of Pennsylvania's important citizens, mostly from the counties of Berks, Dauphin, Delaware, Franklin, Lebanon, Luzerne, Montgomery, Northampton and Philadelphia. Accompanying many of the sketches are portraits of the sketch subjects and illustrations of family crests. Originally published by George P. Donehoo in 1926. 377 pages with additional 157 portaits of sketch subjects and 53 illustrations of family crests.
Surnames Indexed:
Abercrombie, Africa, Althouse, Arnold, Arthurs, Asche, Baab, Babb, Bachelor, Bailey, Baily, Balderston, Baldwin, Barnes, Barney, Bartlett, Beardslee, Beck, Beers (Bere), Beidler, Bement (Beamond-Beaumont), Benson, Bent, Berghaus, Billmeyer, Black, Blair, Blake, Blount, Boas, Bower, Bradbury, Bradley, Brooks, Brophy, Brown, Browning, Buckley, Buckman, Bulger, Burnham, Burvill-Holmes, Bushey, Butler, Cadwalader, Califf, Carl, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Cassatt, Chickering, Claffin (McLahlan-MacLachlan-Macklafflin-Mackclothlan), Clark, Cleayton (Clayton), Cochran, Colhoun, Cooper, Coroner, Corson, Coster, Crothers, Culbertson, Cumings, Cummins, Cunningham, Curran, de Saulles, Dakin, Dalton, Dana, Darte, Datz, Davis, Dayton, Delany, Dick, Dickson, Dieffenbacher, Dixon, Donaldson, Donecker, Doron, Doty, Dougherty, Driscoll, Duncan, Dunlap, Dyer, Eckfeldt, Edwards, Elliott, Ellis, Elsasser, Ely, Emlen, Eyster, Fahnestock, Febiger, Felton, Fetterhoof, Fichter, Findlay, Fisher, Flint, Foering, Foster, Fox, Frame, Franck, Frazier, Fritz, Funk, Gerhart, Gernand, Gest, Gibbons, Gilpin (de Guylpin), Glatfelter (Glattfelder), Glauser, Glenn, Glock, Goodman, Gotwald, Gray, Green, Griest, Grimes, Grimm, Grumbine (Krumbein), Gunster, Hain (Hehm), Hallock, Harley, Harper, Harrison, Haverstick, Hayes, Hazard, Heckman, Hecksher, Heim, Heister (Hiester), Henderson, Herriott, Heymann, Hibbs, High (Hoch), Hoffman, Hollenback, Hood, Howell, Hubbard, Huey, Hummel, Hussey, Hutchings, Hutchinson, Irvine, Jamison, Jefferis, Jenkins, Jennings, Johnson, Jones, Karrer, Kaul, Keen, Kelker, Kelly, Kendig, Kent, Keyser, Kirk, Kissinger, Klump, Knerr, Kniffen, Knox, Krause, Krise, Landell, Latimer, Lauer, Lea, Leaf, Leake, Leatherman, Lee, Levering, Lewis, Lippincott, Lippitt, Lisle, Littleton, Lloyd, Loomes, Loxley, Luckenbach, Lukens, Lyman, Lynde, McAlister, McCalla, McClain, McClintock, McCown, McCurdy, McDonald, McFadden, McKean, McKee, McKnight, McLean, McMurtrie (Mac Murtrie), McNeely, McNitt, Mancill (Mansel), Mann, Maris, Marshall, Martin, Maurice, Maxwell, Mendenhall (Menhall), Merrick, Meyers (Mayer), Miller, Milne, Mitchell, Morris, Morse, Mould, Mulligan, Mullineaux, Myers, Nathan, Nevin, Newbold, Nice (du Neus), Nock, Norris, Norton, O’Brien, Odiorne, Parker, Patterson, Pawling, Paxson, Pearson, Pease, Pechin, Pemberton, Pennock, Pepper, Perkins, Peterson, Piper, Platt, Pleet, Potter, Price, Purves, Pusey, Rambo, Rawle, Reed, Reily, Ricketts, Rippard, Ritchie, Riter (Reiter), Rittenhouse, Roberts, Robinette (Robinett), Robinson, Rockey, Rogers, Rosengarten, Rouse (Raus), Rudulph, Ruschenberger, Russ, Russell, Ryman, Sauber, Schmauk, Schnure, School, Schramm, Scott, Searight (Seawright), Seip, Selin, Sellers, Semple, Sharpe, Shuman, Shunk, Simpkins, Singer, Skilton, Slingerland, Smith (Schmidt), Snowden, Spackman, Speer, Stackhouse, Steele, Stegmaier, Stegner, Stetson, Stevenson, Stewart, Stoll, Stout, Strickler, Struthers, Sturdevant, Swayze, Swift, Swing, Taylor, Temple, Thatcher, Tingle, Tracy, Trenchard, Van Reed (Van Reede), Van Swearingen, von Seldeneck, Vale, Vanderslice (Van der Sluys), Vernon, Wager, Wagner, Walker, Walton, Waples, Ward, Warner, Watrous (Waterhouse), Watt, Waugh, Way, Wayne, Wear, Welles, Wentworth, Werner, West, Wharton, Whitaker, White, Wiegand, Wigton, Willcox, Williams, Wills, Wilson, Winsor, Wistar (Wister), Work, Worrell, Wright, Wylie, Wynne, Ziegler