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PENNSYLVANIA: Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia 19th Congressional District [Adams, Cumberland and York Counties, Pennsylvania]

PENNSYLVANIA: Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia 19th Congressional District [Adams, Cumberland and York Counties, Pennsylvania]

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"Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of the Nineteenth Congressional District Pennsylvania Containing Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens of the District Together With An Introductory Historical Sketch." The 19th Congressional District covered parts of Adams, Cumberland and York Counties, Pennsylvania. Originally edited by Samuel T. Wiley, published by C. A. Ruoff in 1897. 509 pages with additional 43 portaits of sketch subjects.

Biographical Sketches:

Ahl, Alleman, Allewalt, Bahn, Baird, Baker, Barshinger, Beck, Bellman, Benner, Biddle, Billheimer, Birch, Bittenger, Bittinger, Black, Blasser, Boas, Bollinger, Bond, Bosler, Bowman, Boyd, Brame, Brenneman, Bressler, Brickley, Brindle, Brown, Bucher, Buehler, Bushman, Callender, Carl, Cassatt, Chapin, Cochran, Conrad, Culp, Dale, Daron, DeHoff, Delone, Dick, Dietz, Diven, Dougherty, Dromgold, Durbin, Durkey, Ebert, Eckert, Eichelberger, Ehrehart, Ehrhart, Elcock, Elliott, Farquhar, Fastnacht, Fegley, Fisher, Flora, Floyd, Forney, Franklin, Freas, Frey, Frick, Frysinger, Gable, Gardner, Gerry, Gibson, Gilbert, Glessner, Goodyear, Gotwalt, Graham, Gross, Grossbrenner, Grove, Hagerty, Haines, Hamilton, Hartley, Hay, Hays, Heiges, Heilman, Heller, Hemler, Hemminger, Hench, Henderson, Herman, Hersh, Himes, Hoober, Hoover, Houck, Hubley, Humrich, Jameson, Jones, Kerr, Keyworth, Klinger, Krise, Lafean, Lanius, Latimer, Lenhart, Lewis, Lilly, Lindner, Lloyd, Long, Loucks, Manifold, Mayer, McClean, McCoy, McElroy, McGuire, McIlhenny, McKinnon, McKnight, McPherson, McSherry, Meisenhelder, Milleisen, Miller, Minnich, Mohler, Moore, Mowers, Moyer, Murray, Musselman, Myers, Neeley, Neely, Neiman, Nes, Niles, Nisbet, Nixon, Norcross, O'Neil, Passmore, Patrick, Peffer, Peters, Pitcher, Plank, Quay, Quinby, Reed, Rees, Reese, Robbins, Ross, Ritchey, Rupp, Sadler, Safford, Schall, Schlueter, Seiffert, Sell, Sheely, Shindel, Shulenberger, Slagle, Small, Smead, Smith, Smyser, Snyder, Sonneman, Spangler, Stahle, Steacy, Steck, Stevens, Stewart, Stock, Stuck, Strawbridge, Strine, Stubbs, Swope, Tanger, Taylor, Thompson, Todd, Trimmer, Underwood, Vandersloot, Vale, Valentine, Van Cleve, Wagner, Walker, Wanner, Wasbers, Watts, Weakley, Weaver, Webb, Weber, Weiser, Wetzel, Whiting, Williams, Wood, Wormley, Yeagley, Young, Ziegler

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